Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk

Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk 1 Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk
Glenn Klotz on Ventnor Boardwalk

If taxpayers want it, how would the long lost Margate boardwalk be rebuilt?

The Margate Boardwalk Committee, lead by Glenn Klotz, put together facts, figures and expert opinion to answer that question.

How would a boardwalk be built? What are the costs? What are the pros and cons of re-building the seaside structure?

The Margate Boardwalk Committee: Glenn Klotz, Stefanie Bloch, Ellen Lichtenstein and Steve Davidson.

Atlantic County Exec Levinson: ‘the Margate boardwalk idea is a no-brainer’.

Margate Boardwalk Committee on WOND Radio

Margate Boardwalk Report Summary:

Why rebuild the Margate Boardwalk?

Answer: Help fix various problems brought about by the 2017 dune, beach and sewer pipe project. The ACOE, Army Corp of Engineers tried to fix one problem, but created several others.

What have we lost? Views, access and connections. Residents of Margate have lost the view of the sea and we can no longer feel the ocean breeze from our streets and homes.

Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk 2 Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk
Pic: / Tom Gralish

Beach access has become extremely difficult, if not impossible, for large segments of our population.

  • The elderly, who can’t scale the dunes to access the water
  • Those with disabilities, no railings to help get over the dunes
  • Young families, loaded with gear, get stuck moving wheeled carts over dunes
  • Boaters, who used to bring their catamarans from bulkheads to water

14 ft high dunes not only blocked scenic views, but made life miserable for those with walking challenges. Easy beach access was substantially diminished.

Boardwalk Committee: Our beautiful beach has been broken, degraded. The degraded condition of Margate’s beach will soon harm our precious reputation as a 1st class family-style resort town.

In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, a dune system was forced upon us by the State of New Jersey and the Army Corp of Engineers. The result is a radically altered landscape and a degraded experience of our previously magnificent beach.

Once flat, wide and easy to access, our beach is now home to a huge wall of sand placed directly in its middle, horizontally dividing the ocean from the rest of Margate. This has created a very large “Dead Zone” between the bulkhead entrances to the beach and the dunes, as long as a city block in many areas.

The beach is now divided by 5, sewer pipe / outfalls.

Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk 3 Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk
Beach sewer pipes funnel contaminates into surf

A rebuilt Margate boardwalk would feature much easier access. 40 access ramps would transport beach-goers from the street ends to the boardwalk. The 27 ft wide boardwalk would be safety nestled behind and above the controversial, man-made dune.

margate boardwalk
Rendering of Rebuilt Margate Boardwalk

Features of New Margate Boardwalk.

  • Dedicated bike lane
  • Efficient LED lighting
  • Up to four pavilions with benches
  • Outdoor showers, foot showers
  • Bathroom facilities
  • Water fountains.

The proposed wooden walkway would span from Fredericksburg ave in Ventnor, all the way to the border of Longport.

Estimated costs of a rebuilt, Margate boardwalk range from $14 to $24 million, depending on type of boardwalk desired.

Black Locust wood would be used to rebuild the Margate boardwalk. Black Locust has “high natural durability, is heavy and hard. Sustainable forestry. These hardy trees grow fast. 

Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk 4 Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk

Side Note: Downbeach Flood insurance didn’t go down as promised. Instead, coastal home owners are expecting higher flood insurance rates: See:

Margate Boardwalk. More Safety, Less Crime.

Some worry that a boardwalk will increase crime. Actually, the exact opposite is true. Research was shared by Stockton University professor and criminologist Marissa Levy showing that a boardwalk could actually boost public safety.

FACT: The crime rates, currently, in Margate and Ventnor are similarly low. Ventnor (with a boardwalk) does not have significantly more crime than Margate.

  • The proposed boardwalk could increase informal surveillance. Residents biking, walking, jogging, or sitting could provide increased levels of surveillance which could deter residential burglaries. In fact, the boardwalk could serve as a protective factor against residential burglaries for those houses directly on the beach and on the blocks between Atlantic Avenue and the boardwalk.
  • First responders, including Emergency Medical Services, may have faster and less obstructed access to residents or visitors utilizing the beach.
  • Assuming Margate police would utilize the boardwalk as Ventnor police do, the proposed boardwalk could increase formal surveillance. Police could patrol the boardwalk, assist residents and visitors, and respond faster to calls for service.
  • Increased pedestrian/runner/biker safety – residents may be more likely to walk, run, or bike on the boardwalk and less likely to impede traffic on Atlantic Avenue or on other streets in Margate.

Social Media Comment: Disturbing homeowner privacy is a weak and despicable objection. The beach and sidewalks are open to the general public. Why do some, selfish homeowners feel the beach is their private front yard?

Beachgoers want parking, wheelchair ramps, public restrooms, easy access to the water, and place to gather and enjoy the views. Do some Jersey shore towns scare away visitors by reducing parking, blocking views, and not providing public restrooms?

UPDATE: NJ DEP Department of Environmental Protection looking at enforcing beach access regulations. DEP wants towns like Margate to have public restrooms, access and better parking. Gasp. Beach block parking in Margate?

Margate Boardwalk Full Report:


Learn more at


26 thoughts on “Report: Rebuilding The Margate Boardwalk”

  1. This is a great idea but rest assured that the local, county and state politicians won’t do anything until their pockets are properly lined. Also, forget $14-24M estimated costs, in reality it will exceed $50M since every project takes twice as long and costs twice as much. Can we handle that along with the cost to maintain for decades? Let’s be realistic and then moved forward.

    1. You are correct and the average person doesn’t realize that unless you are in that industry. My concern would be that this would attract loitering from teenagers and even homeless people. Taking away from the natural beauty as well. The most beautiful beaches in the work DO NOT have a boardwalk.

      Our taxes will surely increase as well.

    2. This is fear mongering. If you have estimates that show costs exceeding claims, share them. If not, this is just your opinion.

  2. For a fraction of the cost since accessibility to the beach appears to be the major benefit of a Boardwalk why not provide dune buggies to pick up and deliver those beach goers in need to there desired spots on the beach. An App similar to Uber would work fine and a real added value to the Residents of Margate.

    1. There are a lot of self-serving “facts” presented here that easily fall apart when a little light is shined on them. Demonizing homeowners on the beach block is also a divisive and juvenile tactic. This is an ego-driven idea being pushed by Glenn Klotz that Is being disingenuously sold as the antidote to the dunes problems and it has nothing to do with what’s best for Margate.

        1. I hate the dunes also but Where are your blueprints? You state that the BW wouldn’t come any closer than 250 feet. You never answer any questions.

  3. Shoobie Doobie Doo

    Funny how Margate leadership supports private projects/efforts like Lamberti’s give-away, hotel overlay zone at Ventura’s, mini-golf monstrosity, over-development, 2 half-empty schools, and 6 figure salaries. But when it comes to the public good, for something all can enjoy like a boardwalk, Margate insiders freak out.

  4. as president of the margate business i brought this up in 1998 and i was shot down i do think this is a good i idea costly but a good idea

  5. Lloyd Levenson

    I was not in attendance at the meeting on July 13th and I strongly oppose the initiative to construct a boardwalk in Margate.

  6. I think it’s an absolutely terrific idea! I ride my bike down a very busy street (Atlantic Ave) to get to Ventnor’s Boardwalk. And l hope those opposed realize it’s not going to be a carnival like OCs boardwalk… just a lovely thorofare.

  7. If I want to take a walk on a boardwalk featuring stores and glitz, I can take a walk on the AC Boardwalk. If I want to take a walk on a boardwalk that has no stores or glitz, I can take a walk on the Ventnor Boardwalk. If I want to walk along an open beach that has no boardwalk, I can take a walk on the Margate Beach. Let’s leave it that way.

  8. “Despicable” & “selfish”? Why else would people choose to spend $1,000,000 more or less to live in a beachfront home if not for the views & the privacy? And how does a boardwalk make it easier for the elderly or handicapped or those overloaded with beach equipment to traverse the large expanse to the water? Also, where would these ramps begin: on our streets, bringing honking horns, less parking, even loss of property & more dangerous traffic situations for our children & grandchildren & our dog walkers?!! Why do you think we have chosen to live in Margate? We chose it for its quiet, safe,friendly atmosphere. I, for one, do not wish to exchange these glorious amenities for throngs of bikers with bells & horns. It is easy enough to take a few minutes drive to Ventnor if I want that. Debby

    1. > Why else would people choose to spend $1,000,000 more or less to live in a beachfront home if not for the views & the privacy?

      You spent $1M or more for the house, not the beach. We ALL own the beach. If someone promised you the beach in your sale, I have a bridge to sell you.

  9. Yes, it is a great idea and thank you for saying so Rocco. For your information, Belmar NJ built a brand spanking new BW 1.5 miles long for $12 mil. just 6 yrs. ago and it had 23 major contractors put in bids it was built in 3 mos. Saying Margate can’t do something similar is no offense just your opinion. Plus , the meme that every Gov’t contract runs over budget is just that a meme its in fact NOT true. In Ventnor, costs for maintaining the BW are so low its not even broken out in the budget as a separate item go ask. Read our report its all there.

  10. The article quotes Professor Levy regarding crime rates: “Some worry that a boardwalk will increase crime. Actually, the exact opposite is true. Research was shared by Stockton University professor and criminologist Marissa Levy showing that a boardwalk could actually boost public safety”. She states “The crime rates, currently, in Margate and Ventnor are similarly low. Ventnor (with a boardwalk) does not have significantly more crime than Margate.”

    Ventnor Property Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents) (31.94) # of Property Crimes (327) Crimes/Sq.Mile (159)
    Margate Property Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents) (21.86) # of Property Crimes (133) Crimes/Sq.Mile (96)
    Googled Crime in Margate and Ventnor, data from Neighborhood Scout. Check it out.

    Looks like there IS significantly more crime in Ventnor compared to Margate. When comments fail the “sniff test”, I try to research and find the facts.

    1. Maybe the crime rate is linked to housing prices, or the amount of bubble gum consumed, or the presence of giant elephants in the town.

      There is absolutely 0 proof that the boardwalk is what caused the uptick in crime rates. You’re fear mongering.

      Don’t misconstrue FACTS.

    2. Omg, you’re lying! I just looked. LOL.

      Ventnor crime is actually less than Margate per person for a number of the last 10 years.

      1. Instead of continuing to insult each other like all the politicians in Washington, why don’t we all agree and work to get a mandate with the city that all taxpayers will get an opportunity to vote on a referendum and whichever gains more votes, yes or nos dictates the future of a boardwalk. Just like a democracy was built to work.

  11. Instead of continuing to insult each other like all the politicians in Washington, why don’t we all agree and work to get a mandate with the city that all taxpayers will get an opportunity to vote on a referendum and whichever gains more votes, yes or nos dictates the future of a boardwalk. Just like a democracy was built to work.

  12. Reasons against a boardwalk:
    1- Friends in Ventnor complain about bicycles and their young children. Yes, I know, bike lanes- good luck with that.
    2- Friends in Ventnor complain about dogs on the boardwalk and excrement. Supposedly they are not allowed but apparently this is not enforced.
    3- Regardless of outside “funding” taxes will go up.
    4- The signs proclaiming “Welcome to Margate- a residential community” will have to be changed. Of course; with the new miniature golf on the “main drag” and the aqua park on the bay one could argue that the signs should already be changed. “Recreational community” would be more appropriate.
    5- Those who paid a lot in cost and taxes for beachfront property (not me) would become subjected to the sight and noise, day and night, of boardwalk activity.
    6- I assume access to the beach will be travel beneath the boardwalk. A lovely journey. It wouldn’t make sense to climb up onto the boardwalk and then down to the beach. You would still have to traverse the dunes.
    7- In time commercial activity will appear- further disturbing the boardwalk patrons and the unfortunate beachfront home owners. (Get those new signs ready!)

    There is no problem with real estate sales in Margate. Those who want boardwalk activity can buy in Ocean City. For that matter, there is a beautiful bridge allowing easy access from Margate to Ocean City for those individuals who wish it.
    The right thing to do would have been to have a referendum, beforehand, to ask Margate residents if they wished to make major change in the character of their community from a residential community (as the signs say) to a recreational one.

  13. It is crazy how some people don’t think twice about spending millions of dollars of other peoples money… so they can walk on a boardwalk…with all the blah blah blah reasons it would be so great. How about you try to do it with private funds via go fund me…see how far you get…..instead of picking the pockets of others that are opposed.

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